Monday, 28 April 2014

How to access Salesforce web services

Recently I had to create a web service in Salesforce and expose data to external application.
The first part with creating of web service on Salesforce is quite easy because SF does a good job of converting APEX classes into a web services and this information is explained very well in original SF documentaion. So, it is required to create an APEX class with "webService" keywords and download WSDL file wich can be used for proxy generation.
Here is an example:

The tricky part of it is that you need to call this service from, say, C#, and this information is spread among different posts, forum topics etc.

Here is the combined and simplified C# example:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;

namespace WSTest
    internal class AuthToken
        internal string id;
        internal string issued_at;
        internal string instance_url;
        internal string signature;
        internal string access_token;

    class Program
        private static AuthToken SalesforceAutenticate(string userName, string password)
            // Sandbox URI, for production environment it should be ""
            const string URI = "";

            // how to obtained security token:
            const string securityToken = "1234567890";

            // how to obtain consumer key + secret:
            const string consumerKey = "XXXXXXXXXXX.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY";
            const string consumerSecret = "0987654321";

            WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(URI);
            req.Proxy = GetProxy();

            req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            req.Method = "POST";

            String parameters = String.Format("grant_type=password&client_id={0}&client_secret={1}&username={2}&password={3}{4}",
                    consumerKey, consumerSecret, userName, password, securityToken);

            byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(parameters);
            req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
            Stream os = req.GetRequestStream();
            os.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
            if (resp == null)
                return null;

            // parse JSON response
            DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AuthToken));
            AuthToken token = (AuthToken)ser.ReadObject(resp.GetResponseStream());

            return token;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var authToken = SalesforceAutenticate("", "mypassword");

            MyWebServiceService client = new MyWebServiceService();
            client.Proxy = GetProxy();
            client.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader();
            client.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = authToken.access_token;


        private static IWebProxy GetProxy()
            IWebProxy proxy = new WebProxy("server:port");
            proxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("ADname", "ADpassword");
            return proxy;

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Auto-updatable chatter feed in Salesforce

Let’s consider the process of implementation of auto-updatable chatter feed. Even if it looks quite easy this task has two aspects:
1) Auto-updatable controls
2) Creation of custom controllers

In general case auto-refresh of Salesforce visual element can be implemented using this code snippet:

<apex:actionPoller action="{!updateMethod}" reRender="controlToUpdate" interval="15"/>

“updateMethod” is a method of page controller
“controlToUpdate” - id of a component to update
“15” - update interval in seconds

Unfortunately, only custom controllers can have an update method, all standard controllers cannot be extended using ordinary inheritance. So this task may look quite tricky.

Let’s have a look on an example of Account controller. It can be extended using this approach:

public with sharing class Account_Controller {

   public Account_Controller (ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
this.account = (Account)stdController.getRecord();

public Account account { get; private set; }

public PageReference updatePage() {
return null;

So, it can aggregate the standard controller and extend it with custom functionality.

And in this case the page for the view may look like this:

<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="Account_Controller">
<apex:form >
<apex:actionPoller action="{!updatePage}" reRender="chatter" interval="15"/>
<chatter:feed id="chatter" entityId="{!}" showpublisher="True"></chatter:feed>

And now we can see that two tasks are solved: standard controller is extended through adaptor pattern and the view can incorporate an auto-updatable control.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Quick hands-on tutorial of consuming external web services from SalesForce

Recently I had to perform some research of SalesForce in order to reuse some web services on SalesForce application.
Previously I had absolutely no experience of using SalesForce, so many features were unknown for me. But surprisingly the task was not so difficult.
I used freely available web service for my research:
I used this method as an example:
Add external web service URL into “Remote Site Settings” (it is important because no external web services can be used by default):
Download Weather WSDL:
Modify WSDL file: remove multiple parameters (multiple ports, bindings, services sections of WSDL file are not supported by SalesForce Apex classes):
  1. Remove extra port types:
  1. Remove extra bindings:
  1. Remove extra services:
Generate Apex class for WSDL:
Create a new controller:
public class MyController {
   public Map getElements() {
        wsCdyneComWeatherws.WeatherSoap info = new wsCdyneComWeatherws.WeatherSoap();
        info.endpoint_x = '';
        wsCdyneComWeatherws.ArrayOfWeatherDescription data = info.GetWeatherInformation();
        Map ret = new Map();
        for (wsCdyneComWeatherws.WeatherDescription item: data.WeatherDescription) {
            ret.put(item.Description, item.PictureURL);
        return ret;
Create a new page:

<apex:page controller="MyController"> Test page <apex:pageBlock title="Weather icons"> <table> <apex:repeat value="{!elements}" var="item"> <tr> <td>{!item}</td> <td><img src="{!elements[item]}" /></td> </tr> </apex:repeat> </table> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>

Now we can test the new page:
It was pretty easy, huh? :)

Sport statistics

I have a strong interest in data analysis and notice some interesting facts from everywhere.
It was a curious thing for me to see how Winter Olympics 2014 medal count correlate with the sponsor investments to the teams and found the following:

So, the most profitable team was from Netherlands and sponsorship (and advertisement) was the most effective for this team.
They just have amazing results and every second athlete in this team has a medal. Very effective team of 41 athlete was built - they received 24 medals in total.
Belorussian team was fantastic in terms of Gold medals.

Sources of information:

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Convert any Windows app or script to a service

I've just found very nice utility allowing to convert any Windows application or script into a Windows service:
NSSM stands for "the Non-Sucking Service Manager"
It has many clever options for such a small and lightweight application (230k EXE file)
Web site is brief but explains all important ideas.
I'll definitely use this utility instead of other "reinvented wheels".

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (70-480)

Just passed another MS Exam: 70-480 "Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CCS3"
About two months ago MS sent me an offer for a free exam and I wanted to try this new exam and new examination workflow with new types of questions.
It was quite simple to pass in my opinion.
I watched this set of video lessons:
Also I read this book:
So these two sources of information plus some experience of JavaScript programming was sufficient to pass the exam.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

How to execute different code if your .NET component is used within web application

I've just discovered a tiny workaround helping me to execute different code inside of .NET component if it is used within a web application:

bool webMode = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null);

if (webMode)
    // code for web application
    // code for all other types of apps

Probably it has some drawbacks and hidden pitfalls but so far it works well...

Friday, 31 August 2012

.NET Application Architecture

I've just finished reading first 6 chapters of a great book ".NET Application Architecture Guide".
In my opinion it is a must-read book for any senior software developer or a software architect (no matter what language you use).
The main point of this book is to provide a basis, a starting point for getting holistic knowledge about modern software architectures.
This book has a lot of references to other articles, books, guidelines which can be used for further study.
I may expect some concerns that this book is outdated because it was released in 2009, but things and technologies described in it is still in use and architectural approach described in it can be used not only for .NET platform. Another concern can be about "obvious" topics covered by this book (in my opinion these topics are not very obvious because I've seen a lot of software products designed with a lot of simple rules broken).
This book is important for me as a set of recipes, references and check lists for software design and this is just priceless!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Problem steps recorder

Last week I found very useful tool in Windows: Problem steps recorder.
It can be executed as "psr.exe" (from either command line or "Windows+R")
The following window will appear:

Then you can record all the steps, for example, for reproducing a bug or explaining how to do something.
The "Steps Recorder" creates a ZIP file which contains MHTML with steps descriptions and screenshots.
I think it creates a sequence of steps more descriptive then any tester can provide me with.

So now I recommend the testers to use this tool and just send me a ZIP file generated by "Problem Steps Recorder".

Monday, 26 December 2011

My wife's book

Today my wife released her first Kindle book on Amazon
So we will see how it works.
This children books is about wise dog and it's thoughts. I hope it could be interesting for English-speaking readers.